During these uncertain times, health is on nearly everyone’s mind. The Commonwealth of Virginia is taking action to fight COVID-19 and to improve access to the healthcare you and your family need. Virginia’s Medicaid/FAMIS programs cover comprehensive health and mental health services, including testing and treatment for COVID-19.

Many Virginians who have lost their jobs or been furloughed as a result of COVID-19 – and their families –are now eligible for Virginia’s Medicaid or FAMIS programs (state-sponsored health insurance for pregnant women and children).

Many Virginians, particularly those losing coverage due to COVID-19 have not heard about the new Medicaid eligibility criteria or state-sponsored health insurance for pregnant women and children (the FAMIS programs). Or, if they have, they may not believe they or their family members will qualify. Some may have applied in the past but were denied. Still others may be confused about when or how to apply.

Did you know?

  • If you are or have been a worker, Medicaid is your tax dollars working for you.
  • Income eligibility is based on the previous month’s income and does not count home or retirement savings.
  • Medicaid is a benefit to use when you need it, it doesn’t have to be for the long-term. Use it to help get you on your feet.
  • Medicaid is low-cost or free health care (during this health emergency, there are no copays). Now, people don’t have to choose between paying for groceries and other needs and paying for health care or medicine.
  • Medicaid provides financial protection and stability to families.
  • Medicaid coverage gives enrollees and their families’ peace of mind from the costs related to health problems and big medical bills/medical debt.
  • Medicaid and FAMIS is not welfare. They are quality health insurance programs which offer excellent coverage.


For more information, go to CoverVA.org.

To apply via phone:  Cover Virginia Call Center (1-855-242-8282; Mon – Fri: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Sat: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm)

To apply online:  CommonHelp (https://www.commonhelp.virginia.gov/)


Free, confidential application assistance:

Sonya Giles, Medicaid Outreach Worker, Richmond City Health District

cell:  804-664-4759

email:  sonya.giles@vdh.virginia.gov

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